Welcome to My October Garden! |
Welcome to my October garden! It was just 86 degrees two weeks ago
and now there are days few and far between that it will be in the 60’s as fall
settles in. Where did the summer go? I am still a bit in denial but continue to
complete designs and tidy things up in the garden before it gets way too chilly. As temperatures have now moderated into the upper 50's to mid-60's with a feeling of autumn crispness, Montauk Daisies are blooming, Chrysanthemums and pumpkins are out and grasses are showing their delicate plumes. As the garden transitions, there is still plenty to see. Join me to tour my autumn Long Island garden and thanks for coming along!
Autumn Garden Views |
The first stop is at one of my favorite fall combinations, that of Ajuga Burgundy Glow with Variegated Liriope. As the ajuga starts to change its hue, spikes of bluish-purple blooms on liriope are at their peak.
'Yaku Jima' Dwarf Maiden Grass |
Dwarf Maiden Grass 'Yaku Jima' is sporting its feathery plumes for October. This variety stays at a compact four to five feet in height.
'Yaku Jima' Dwarf Maiden Grass and Sedum 'Brilliant' |
Here is the 'Yaku Jima' grass with Sedum 'Brillant' in the foreground.
Dwarf Sedum Thundercloud |
A new variety of Sedum that I just added to the garden this summer is Sedum 'Thundercloud'. It is a more dwarf version only reaching approximately 8 inches in height. It does have a similarity to a thundercloud with its jagged edges and burst of cloud-white blooms that appear in the center from summer into fall.
Kousa Dogwood Autumn |
Around to the northern garden is Kousa Dogwood 'Greensleeves' with its fall fruit.
Kousa Dogwood Fall Fruit |
Here is the fruit close up, I am always intrigued by its perfect form and vibrant color, and the birds enjoy it too!
Montauk Daisies |
My mother's favorite flowers were always daisies. She loved Montauk Daisies, so I finally incorporated some into my garden. They have a special meaning to me.
Butterflies on Daisies! |
The Painted Lady Butterflies really seem to enjoy them too.
Dwarf Butterfly Bush Still Blooming! |
On the patio, Dwarf Butterfly Bush 'Pugster Blue' is still blooming away. It will be coming into the garage next month for overwintering and return next spring. Since it's been in a planter on the patio, I have gotten so much more enjoyment from it, being it is in direct view from my favorite chair while enjoying a cup of tea!
Garden Gal's Mondo Grass is Thriving! |
Garden Gal got a new bunch of Black Mondo Grass in her planter this summer. It is doing quite well...sorry garden gal!
Stella D Oro Daylilies Still Blooming! |
The 'Stella D Oro' Daylilies are still pushing out new blooms after I restored them in late July. They should keep going for sometime into autumn.
Knock Out Roses Blooming in Fall |
Double Knock Out rose is always a welcomed member in the garden. It will keep blooming until the first frost.
Rozanne Geranium October Blooms! |
Planted in early July, these Rozanne Geranium are blooming away and are adding so much color to the renovated front island bed. I have been using them for years in my designs for their color and long bloom time and FINALLY found a place for them n my own garden! They are growing well with a full day of sun with some late afternoon shade.
A Little Bit of Foliage |
There's always room for a little bit of foliage. Here is Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar with Mugo Pine and Sedum Brilliant.
A Little Bit of Whimsy |
There is also room for a little whimsy. You may remember the story of when my husband bought these for me at the very start of the season. He said they reminded him of the two us sitting on the patio together enjoying a cup of tea or coffee.
Succulent Planter Still Going! |
If you have read my second book Landscape Combinations, you'll probably recognize this succulent planter. I've had this one for quite some time and it is still going strong. I overwinter the containers in the garage and bring them out the following season, sometimes keeping the same plants and other times I come up with new combinations. It is a fun hobby and the planters last all season long with no maintenance. Just water and enjoy!
Summer Snowflake Viburnum Fall Bloom |
Let's wander around to the back corner. Look...the Viburnum are undergoing another bloom. We had a single day in the upper 80's. That did it!
Seasonal Change |
The Astilbe and Lamb's Ear in the perennial border are showing their fall colors...
Weeping White Pine Autumn |
and the seed cones on the Weeping White Pine are getting huge.
Some more Whimsy! |
The Echinacea have gone to seed. The other day I saw a gold finch sitting on top of one of the seed heads enjoying a healthy snack.
Coneflower Seed Heads for Birds |
The mums are out, signaling that fall is officially here in the garden and you will notice a different looking pumpkin in the decor for this October.
Seasonal Decor! |
This warty looking pumpkin is called a Knuckle Head or Wart pumpkin. Here's a little trivia. This masterpiece is part of a specialty line that took the Siegers Seed Company in Holland, Michigan 10 generations of cross-breeding to create! I couldn't resist its unusual charm!
Hope you Enjoyed the Visit! |
For gardening and design inspiration along with personal musings...
Author: Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2019. All rights reserved.