Sunday, September 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up September: The Changing Garden

As days with clear blue skies and temperatures in the 70's continue, fall is just around the corner as I gaze into the garden. As the seasons change so does the landscape, with much anticipation for the colorful display to arrive. Hopefully the time will not pass by too quickly, as for right now this gardener is living in the moment. Welcome to my zone 7b Long Island garden. Join me for a tour!
Patio Garden: Weeping Norway Spruce and Sedum 'Pure Joy'
One of the major signs of autumn arriving in the garden is the appearance of Sedum blooms. This late summer blooming cultivar is Sedum 'Pure Joy', which tends to stay at a more more compact height of just twelve inches tall. It is accompanied by Weeping Norway Spruce.
Another View of the Patio Garden
Viewing the patio garden from another angle,  here is Juniper 'Blue Star' and Nandina 'Obsession' joining the spruce and sedum. This variety of Nandina is a dwarf evergreen, non-invasive cultivar, which does not produce berries or seeds; hence, safe for birds.
Liriope 'Big Blue'
Along the shade border, Liriope 'Big Blue' is showing off its deep purple blooms this time of year. 
Pool Border
Here is Sedum 'Thundercloud', which I bought years ago at the local nursery. It does resemble a cloud with its tight clusters of star-like white blooms.
Double Red Knock Out Rose Mid-September
Even though it is September, Double Red Knock Out Roses are blooming and will continue up until the first frost...
Ornamental Grasses & Sedum in Pool Border
while Dwarf Maiden Grass 'Yaku Jima' displays its wispy plumes, joined by Sedum 'Brilliant'.
Sedum 'Brilliant'
I had separated some Sedum and started new plants last summer and the newer plants have a deeper color pink bloom. They are both the same cultivar, but with a different look!
Nepeta 'Blue Wonder' Mid-September
Newly added this summer to the pool border is Nepeta 'Blue Wonder', a more compact variety of catmint, growing to just 9-12 inches tall by 12-18 inches wide, and with deeper blue blooms.
Patio Border Western Side
Along the patio border, Japanese Maple 'Trombly's Red Sentinel' has been pushing out new growth... 
Salvia 'Blue By You' Mid-September
and Salvia 'Blue By You' has been blooming since mid-May!
Iris Garden Renovation
I have shown this iris garden area every spring, which I had watched my mom plant when I was growing up. The once beautiful massing of iris had been taken over by wild ferns that had invaded the garden, and no matter how hard I tried to eliminate them, they would continue to persist. It took several years of contemplating, but I finally had my crew clear the area and plant these beautiful hydrangeas just two weeks ago. I think my mom would approve and think of her every time I look at them.
Hydrangea 'Fire Light Tidbit'
While the new Hydrangea 'Fire Light Tidbit' displays its beautiful panicle white blooms that will fade to pink, Abelia 'Kaleidoscope' is blooming along the patio border. It's colorful evergreen foliage is complemented by white tubular flowers.
Abelia 'Kalidoscope' Late Summer
The bumblebees are really enjoying the late summer blooms too!
Echinacea Pow Wow 'Wild Berry'
The Echinacea has been done blooming for some time and the Goldfinches have been enjoying the seeds, but just yesterday there were new blooms, so no complaints here! The garden always has surprises in store!
Heuchera 'Palace Purple' (Coral Bells)
As the summer winds down, Heuchera 'Palace Purple' in its planter continues to add some color to the patio area...
Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' Mid-September
and the dried flowers of Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' are just nice to look at.
Taking Time Out!
The newly added garden statue that is tucked in among Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar and Heuchera 'Caramel' invites one to stay a while and perhaps read a book...
as the deep pinkish-red blooms of Dipladenia continue to shine along the patio.
Front Lawn
As we come to the end of the tour, here's a little bit of those blue skies I mentioned when we started. The month of September certainly has its moments.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to my September garden. I so appreciate you being here, look forward to your comments and enjoy seeing what you have growing in your garden. Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who had hosted Foliage Follow-Up, a meme I will continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday Fotos, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday, Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden. See you next month and do check out my newsletter and books in the meantime! As always...Happy Gardening!

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, © Copyright 2010-2024. All rights reserved. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Late Summer Gardening Chores and Maintenance

Welcome to This Month in the Garden!
As the days of summer begin to wane, late summer is a critical time for gardeners to prepare their spaces for the transition into fall. While the days are still warm, the subtle changes in light and temperature signal that it’s time to focus on garden maintenance. Here's a guide to essential late summer gardening chores to keep your garden healthy and vibrant as the seasons change.
Mophead Hydrangea
Deadheading and Pruning: Late summer is the perfect time to deadhead flowering plants. By removing spent flowers, you encourage perennials like salvia, daylilies, daisies, and zinnias to produce more blooms and extend their flowering period. Additionally, pruning back overgrown shrubs and perennials not only tidies up your garden but also promotes healthier growth. Be cautious with late pruning, though, as cutting too much can stimulate new growth that might not have time to harden off before the first frost. Be careful with pruning hydrangea as not to jeopardize next year's blooms. Only remove dead wood from the center of the plant and avoid cutting stems, as buds could already be forming on previous growth. The spent blooms can be removed, or enjoyed over the winter, and removed the following spring. If you desire deadheading, remove the dried flower head by cutting the stem just below it and just above the next set of leaves at an angle. The seed heads of perennials such as Echinacea (Coneflower) are a food source enjoyed by birds such as American Goldfinch and can also serve as interest until cutting back the plant later in fall. 
Echinacea (Coneflower)
Also, consider dividing and transplanting spring blooming perennials such as Daylilies and Iris that have outgrown their space. Dig up the parent plant with a spade and gently lift it above the ground. Remove any loose dirt from around the roots and separate the plant into smaller sections with a sharp clean spade or by gently pulling apart by hand. Each division should have three to five vigorous shoots and a decent sized rooting system. Dig the hole slightly larger than the plant, place level with the surrounding soil and maintain watering throughout the remainder of the season. Now is an excellent time as the temperatures cool and the timing allows for roots to establish before the first evenings of frost set in. A general rule of thumb is to divide spring blooming perennials in the late summer or early fall, and to divide late summer-fall blooming perennials in early springtime when new growth is emerging.
Daylily 'Stella D Oro' Late Summer
Watering: Even though temperatures may be slightly cooler, your garden still needs consistent watering. Late summer drought can stress plants, making them more susceptible to diseases and pests. Deep watering is essential to ensure roots remain hydrated. Continue watering until the first signs of frost are in the forecast.
Hydrangea Limelight Prime
Weeding: Weeds are notorious for thriving in late summer, often competing with your plants for nutrients and water. Regular weeding is crucial during this period to prevent them from going to seed and spreading further. Consider pulling weeds after a rain when the soil is moist, making the task easier.
Knock Out Rose 'Radrazz'
Pest and Disease Management & Feeding: Late summer can bring a host of pests and diseases that target weakened or stressed plants. Inspect your garden regularly for signs of trouble, such as yellowing leaves, holes in foliage, or powdery mildew. Depending on the issue, you may need to remove affected plants, apply organic pest control methods, or consider natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soaps. By late summer, many plants may have exhausted the nutrients in the soil. Fertilize your garden with a balanced organic fertilizer to give your plants a much-needed nutrient boost. Focus on perennials, shrubs, and late-blooming flowers that will benefit from the extra nourishment as they prepare for the colder months ahead. Keep enjoying the garden as roses, some species of hydrangea and rejuvenated perennials continue to shine, while later flowering perennials including Montauk Daisy, Mums and Asters prepare to display their late summer-fall blooms!
Montauk Daisy
Harvesting, Planting & Composting: Late summer is harvest time for many vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Be sure to pick produce as soon as it ripens to encourage continued production. At the same time, it’s an excellent opportunity to plant cool-season crops like kale, spinach, and radishes, which can thrive in the cooler temperatures of early fall. With an abundance of garden waste, late summer is a prime time to enhance your compost pile. Add grass clippings, pulled weeds (avoiding those with seeds), and spent annuals to your compost. Turn the pile regularly to speed up decomposition, ensuring you’ll have rich compost ready for next spring.
Keep Enjoying the Garden!
Late summer gardening is all about balance and nurturing your plants through the remaining warm days while preparing them for the cooler months ahead. By staying on top of these chores, you can keep your garden looking beautiful and healthy, setting the stage for a successful transition into fall. Whether you're deadheading blooms, mulching, or planting fall crops, the effort you put in now will pay off as your garden continues to flourish.

I hope you enjoyed This Month in the Garden. Be sure to stop by on the 1st. and 15th. of each month as I continue to share gardening tips, information and horticultural adventures! 

"As Always...Happy Gardening!" 

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, © Copyright 2010-2024. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up August: Late Summer Garden Views & News!

Welcome to my Long Island zone 7b late summer garden! The beginning of August brought steamy temperatures in the mid to upper 80's accompanied by lots of humidity and pop up thunderstorms, making the temperatures feel even higher. Then the passing by of Tropical Storm Debby brought 4 inches of rain within a few days to the island. After the storm, the days of mid-August bring blue skies and temperatures in the lower 80’s, evenings in the 60's and 70's, and the garden continues with its next round of blooms. Join me for a tour to see what's new! 
Let's Visit for a While!
Now, if you have been here before, the welcoming committee is back again to greet you, and if you are new here...welcome!  It is customary to join them with a hot or cold beverage of your choice and stay and visit for a while. Once you've had some time to relax, we begin the tour!
Platycodon 'Komachi' (Balloon Flower)
The first stop is at the border of the patio where Platycodon 'Komachi' Balloon Flower resides. It is the only variety that remains closed as a "balloon" and is very rare and hard to come by. I have had this one for as long as I can remember, have not seen it sold anywhere since, and am thinking of collecting and cultivating the seeds, but hear it is very difficult. If anyone has grown this cultivar from seed, I could use your advice!
Calluna 'Firefly' (Heather)
New to the garden this summer is Calluna 'Firefly'. What drew my attention to this perennial was its unusual color, and as you know, I am a huge fan of foliage! The deep mauve blooms are just an added bonus! I am looking forward to how the evergreen foliage changes throughout the seasons.
Rhode Island Red Japanese Maple
Planted last summer, the Rhode Island Red Japanese Maple is getting some new growth and is accompanied by Salvia 'Blue By You', with Knock Out Roses in the backdrop.
Back Island Bed
Along the back island bed is Heuchera (Coral Bells) 'Caramel' (left), Ajuga Burgundy Glow (right), and Sedum 'Brilliant', which will bloom a little later in the summer.
Back Island Bed
In the rear of he same bed is Dwarf Butterfly Bush 'Pugster Blue', a hybrid cultivated to be semi-sterile and non-invasive here in the northeast. It stays more compact, growing to just 2-3 feet tall by wide, yet produces a profusion of fully-sized fragrant flowers. 
Allium 'Millenium'
Here is Allium 'Millenium', a later blooming ornamental onion that brings some color and interest to the late summer garden. After seeing it growing in other's gardens, it was a must have! Hardy in USDA zones 4-8, blooms last from mid to late summer. 
Hydrangea 'Limelight Prime'
Moving along to the northwestern side of the back island bed is Hydrangea 'Limelight Prime' from Proven Winners with its amazing white blooms in late summer that take on a pink hue as the flowers mature. Variegated Weigela 'My Monet', Coral Bells 'Palace Purple' and evergreen Hinoki Cypress Compacta join in.
Viburnum 'Summer Snowflake'
Along the back garden bed, Viburnum 'Summer Snowflake' is pushing out another round of blooms for late summer...
Rudbeckia 'Little Goldstar' (Dwarf Black Eyed Susan) 
and Dwarf Black Eyed Susan 'Little Goldstar' is blooming beneath Kousa Dogwood 'Greensleves' in the northern section of the property. Hosta 'Partiot' and 'Minuteman' border along the front of the bed.
Rudbeckia 'Little Goldstar' 
Here are the Dwarf Black-Eyed Susan up close. The nice thing about this plant is that is does not spread, but rather stays as a compact clump.
Pool Border
Along the pool border is a grouping of Holly 'Sky Pencil' and Heuchera 'Caramel'... 
Crape Myrtle 'Sioux'
and Crape Myrtle 'Sioux' is in bloom! Every summer I await the amazing deep pink blooms on this variety.
Knock Out Rose 'Radrazz'
The roses are dealing with the humidity this summer as best as they can. Good old reliable Knock Out Rose 'Radrazz' continues to push out blooms and never disappoints.
Groundcover Sedum Collection
Last year with the pool planting renovation, I added this collection of groundcover Sedum in a tight spot between the rock wall and the pool border. It is filling in nicely and produced yellow blooms back in July.
Front Island Bed Late Summer
Did I mention we have had some humidity and pop up thunderstorms? Well, the Hosta are loving it! They are blooming now and will be joined by the light pink blooms of Sedum 'Pure Joy' within a week or so.
Front Island Bed Late Summer
Here is another view. 
Dipladenia Planter
Last, but not least, the Dipladenia in a container on the back patio is doing beautifully! I get to enjoy it everyday as I sit under the overhang with a cup of tea! 

IN OTHER NEWS: Did you know that I post a monthly Substack newsletter called Northeastern Gardening News? Subscribe here for free to receive monthly updates all to do with gardening! Also, our gardens made it to the Garden Photo of the Day here at Fine Gardening Magazine. Lastly, I was invited to Season 8, Episode 21 of The Gardening with Joey & Holly radio show, as we spoke about gardening in shade! It has certainly been a fun and exciting month in the horticultural world!
Thank you for Visiting!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my August garden and got to check out my newsletter. I so appreciate you being here, look forward to your comments and enjoy seeing what you have growing in your garden. Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who had hosted Foliage Follow-Up, a meme I will continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday Fotos, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday, Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden. See you next month and do check out my books in the meantime! They make great gifts too! As always...Happy Gardening!

My Author Page
Sharing a Lifetime of Gardening with My Books!  (Garden Design, Planning, Maintenance Tips and more!)

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, © Copyright 2010-2024. All rights reserved.