Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up March: Spring Blooms and Anticipation!

Welcome to my March Garden!
Welcome to my Long Island, zone 7a March garden! With spring arriving in just five days, the garden is full of excitement as winter flowers are in bloom, spring bulbs make their appearance, perennials come to life and trees are forming buds and catkins. Come along on the tour! 
Black Mondo Grass Planter
As we all know, March is a month of surprises. We have had a combination of daytime temperatures in the 50's, followed by drops of twenty degrees the following day with winds and snow squalls. One day life is all about being in the garden, while then next it is back to staying warm inside while gazing out the window to watch the snow fall upon the spring blooms. 
Weeping Pussy Willow Catkins
One of the first and also one of my favorite signs of spring are the appearance of white fluffy catkins on the Weeping pussy Willow by the back patio. It only takes a warm day or two to really get them going and sometimes it seems like they just pop over night!
Hello Hyacinths!
In the back perennial border, Hyacinth bulbs are forcing their green foliage with delicate pink tips as they appear above the soil...
Crocus Blooming!
and the Crocus are blooming right along side them!
Front Garden Views
The front garden still looks rather winterlike, but I am convinced that the Weeping Japanese Maple is starting to show signs of life.
Front Island Bed
But wait...look closer! There are more crocus on the way!
Sedum are Appearing!
The sedum in the front garden bed are certainly starting to show their perfectly shaped rosettes with a pinkish hue. Once they start coming up, it is full speed ahead.
Hello Allium 'Globemaster'!
An exciting view is that of Allium 'Globemaster' appearing in the back pool garden. There are nine bulbs coming up at the present time, and the daylilies surrounding them are starting to emerge too!
Winter to Spring Transition
Along the front walkway and driveway gardens, the newer growth from last season on the Coral Bark Maple is still growing red, but before long foliage will start to appear...
Hellebore 'Champion'
and Hellebore 'Champion' is displaying its lovely yellowish-green blooms with pink highlights in the back shade garden.
Hellebore 'Merlin'
'Hellebore 'Merlin' and 'Shooting Star' are joining the show with the deeper pink blooms of  'Merlin' and pinkish-white blooms of  'Shooting Star'.
Hellebore 'Shooting Star'
The Hellebores perform very well at the northern side of the property and along the shadowing from evergreens bordering the back fence line, and they provide that well needed gardening goodness from January though March!
Arborvitae 'Anna's Magic Ball' and Mugo Pine
I enjoy seeing changes in foliage this time of year. The orangey hue of 'Anna's Magic Ball' Arborvitae from wintertime really pops in color against the deep green foliage of Mugo Pine.
Back Patio Garden
In the back garden, Osmanthus 'Goshiki' is showing signs of new growth...
Glorious Seed Cones (Skyland's Oriental Spruce)
and the mature female seed cones of Skyland's Oriental Spruce are abundant against its golden foliage.
Thanks for Visiting!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my March garden and as always, I look forward to your comments and seeing what's growing in your neck of the woods! Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who has hosted Foliage Follow-Up for all these years, a meme I will still continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday FotosMacro Monday 2, Mosaic Monday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday with NC Sue and Gardens Galore Link Up Party every other Monday with Everyday Living. I am also happy to join the Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden


We have been continuing our regular zoom meetings with GardenComm and Metro Hort. It's a wonderful way to get together with colleagues, participate in webinars and share gardening adventures! 

Are you a gardener or wanting to learn more about gardening and design or could you just use a little inspiration? If the answer to any of these is YES, then check out my four books, all available on Amazon!😊

More news!!!🎕 If you haven't heard, I am in the process of working on a new book for the northeast and Mid-Atlantic garden! Organized in a similar fashion as Gardening By Month, this one will be a reference of plants and inspiration specifically for the shade garden. I have been writing a couple of hours each day, will need to take some high resolution photos in springtime, then hopefully will have it ready to publish in 2023! 

"As Always...Happy Gardening!" 

 Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2022. All rights reserved.


  1. Enjoyed seeing your awakening garden. Love the pussy willow! I rarely see that here in NC anymore, but often did as a child.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed the views! Your iris are gorgeous and such a wonderful capture!

  2. A beautiful March garden! I love Hellebore. Will be a while before I can enjoy mine. Still a snowy garden.

  3. This is very exciting, Lee! I am in my new-to-me garden, waiting and watching to see what is coming up - surprises are scattered all about. Some appear to be from two owners ago (pre 2015), and others from the owners 2016 forward (whose landscape plan I actually have, but it is not verbatim). It's fun also to see what was hidden beneath all the boxwoods I had removed last fall. Some perennials like crocus (or are they muscari, I'm still not 100% certain but I think the latter from the pearl-like bulbs) didn't bloom (crowded? others in the neighborhood have all bloomed already). Anyway, it's fun to see your sprouts and recognize them, and hope mine will bloom too!

    1. I am so excited for you with so much to look forward to. Enjoy your new garden!

  4. It's lovely to see spring arriving in such a vigorous manner, Lee. I've never seen hellebores bloom so densely!

    1. Thank you Kris! Your property looks like a botanical garden every time I visit and I especially enjoyed the Leucospermum 'Goldie'!

  5. Great photos!
    I especially like the Hellebores
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the photos Lea. Love your Daffodil’s!

  6. I so much enjoy checking in with your garden every month, it’s a constant delight. You’ve managed to keep it interesting through every season, although it’s getting easier whether spring’s arrival.


Thank you for visiting. I love reading your comments and knowing you have been here, and will try to reciprocate on your blog. If you have any questions I will try my very best to answer them. As always...HAPPY GARDENING!