Monday, August 15, 2022

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up August: Late Summer Long Island Garden

Welcome to my August Garden!
The temperatures have finally moderated after several weeks of the "dog days" of August with rounds of temperatures in the 90's and one of the hottest summers I can remember here in the northeast. Thankfully, the heat has now broken and temperatures are back into the upper 70's and low 80's, and all we need now is some much needed rain. There are many blooms to be seen for the month of August, so do join me for a tour of my Long Island garden!
Mandevilla Vine
The first stop is by the back doorway entrance where Mandevilla is producing an abundance of its pink blooms. I make it a point of getting one of these each year and love how the blooms just keep on coming!
Perennial Border
Along the back walkway the Daylilies and Echinacea are finishing up their display. This view is from the start of the month, since the blooms came a couple of weeks earlier this August with the heat.
Patio Garden
As Crape Myrtle 'Sioux' is now blooming in the back island bed, and Platycodon (Balloon Flower) is in full bloom along the patio border. This variety 'Komachi' is unusual in that the balloon-like blue flowers do not burst open like in other varieties. Rather, they remain closed and can be popped like bubble wrap once they dry out!
Platycodon 'Komachi' (Balloon Flower)
Here is Platycodon 'Komachi' close up with the silvery-white foliage of Lamb's Ear in the backdrop.
Lilium 'Stargazer'
The Lilium 'Stargazer' in the pool surround bloomed much earlier this year and is now pretty much done, but I had to share a view from just two weeks ago. The blooms were magnificent this year! 
Hydrangea 'Limelight Prime'
In the back island bed, Hydrangea 'Limelight Prime' is blooming with its stunning greenish-white blooms that turn to pure white and then to a pinkish hue as they age. This variety stays smaller than 'Limelight', growing to a maximum of 4-6 feet high by wide and is hardy in USDA zone 3-8.
Back Island Berm<
As you know, I am a fan of foliage combinations! Here is Sedum 'Brilliant', Heuchera 'Caramel' and Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow'. The purplish foliage of the ajuga contrasts nicely with the caramel colored Heuchera and green foliage of Sedum in the backdrop, which will soon display pink blooms.
Patio Garden
Along the patio garden is another foliage combination with the chartreuse foliage of  Dwarf Cryptomeria and the blue needles of 'Blue Star' Juniper. I have strived over the years to incorporate as many colorful evergreens as possible throughout the garden to provide all season interest.
Back Island Berm-Crape Myrtle & Hydrangea
Evergreens Hinoki Cypress 'Compacta' and Mugo Pine reside along the island bed with Crape Myrtle  Hydrangea and Coral Bells 'Palace Purple'.
Crape Myrtle Exfoliating Bark
One of the features of Crape Myrtle is its interesting exfoliating bark, which sheds this time of year...
Crape Myrtle 'Sioux' Blooms!
and of course, the blooms are spectacular!
Rudbeckia 'Little Goldstar'
Dwarf Rudbeckia 'Little Goldstar' is all in bloom. This variety stays well-behaved in its space and tends to be more compact compared to the traditional form.
Groundcover Sedum Mix
This Sedum groundcover mix, featuring Sedum 'Angelina' and 'Dragon's Blood' adds interest all summer long to the pool surround...
Future & Past Blooms-Sedum and Astilbe
while this combination of Sedum 'Brilliant' and Astilbe 'Visions' adds foliage and blooms, with Astilbe blooming in July and Sedum due to bloom in August.
Dwarf Maiden Grass 'Yaku Jima' & Sedum 'Brilliant'
Behind the Sedum is a backdrop of a single Dwarf Maiden Grass 'Yaku Jima', which will soon be forming its plumes.
Hemerocallis (Daylily) 'Stella D Oro'
Along the pool perimeter and patio garden, Daylily 'Stella D Oro' is producing some new blooms after I rejuvenated it back in July...
while Echibeckia (a hybrid formed from combining Echinacea and Rudbeckia) is blooming in the perennial border. I find this cultivar does best in full sun (6 hours or more) with moderate watering.
Knock Out Rose Pink
Double Knock Out Rose just keeps on giving with its bold red and pink blooms that continue throughout summer and into fall until the first frost.
Knock Out Rose Red
Besides the continuous blooms, their fragrance is nice too!
Hydrangea Let's Dance 'Big Band'
In a container planter on the back patio is Hydrangea Let's Dance 'Big Band'. This is its second season in a planter and it is doing very well, providing blooms throughout the entire summer. I have this one in a partially shaded location with late day sun and I keep it well watered. Hardy in USDA zones 5-9, this compact hydrangea grows to just 2-3 feet tall by wide.
Sedum 'Kamtschaticum' (Stonecrop)
For some late summer color, here is Sedum 'Kamtschaticum' with its bright yellow blooms, while staying low as a groundcover.
Front Island Bed-Sedum 'Pure Joy'
In the front island bed, Sedum 'Pure Joy' is starting to bloom with its light pink flowers on a small, one foot tall plant. Hosta, Weeping Norway Spruce and Dwarf Cryptomeria are in the backdrop.
Lampost Garden-Coreopsis 'Zagreb'
Last, but not least is Coreopsis 'Zagreb' blooming along the driveway border...
Driveway Border-Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'
with Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit', which is not at all happy with the extreme heat. Maybe it will get another round of blooms now that the temperatures have gotten cooler.
Hydrangea 'Tardivia'
To end the tour, here is Hydrangea 'Tardivia' tree hydrangea on the northern facing side of the property with its magnificent fragrant white panicle flowers, and one of my favorite late summer bloomers!
Thank you for Visiting!
I hope you enjoyed your visit and as always, I look forward to your comments and seeing what's happening in your garden! Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who has hosted Foliage Follow-Up for all these years, a meme I will still continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday FotosFriday Bliss at Floral Passions, Macro Monday 2, Mosaic Monday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday with NC Sue and Gardens Galore Link Up Party every other Monday with Everyday Living. I am also happy to join the Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden.  Are you looking for some gardening inspiration? If so, visit my author page and books! 

Monday, August 1, 2022

This Month in the Garden: Feature Low Maintenance Evergreen-Dwarf Mugo Pine

Feature Plant: Pinus Mugo 'Slowmound' (Dwarf Mountain Pine)

Hardy in USDA zones 2-8 and part of the Iseli TRUdwarf® introduction, Dwarf Mugo Pine 'Slowmound’ is a slow growing, compact evergreen with attractive dark green needles on a uniform mounding plant that grows to a maximum height and width of just 4 feet high by 6 feet wide. It is a compact enough plant to introduce into even the smallest of spaces, such as along a walkway, and is extremely easy to care for with low maintenance. All the plants in the TRUdwarf® collection are propagated from root cuttings, making each plant true to its original.

Pinus Mugo 'Slowmound'

This versatile evergreen is an excellent choice for garden borders, water-wise gardening and rock gardens. Plant 'Slowmound' in full sun to partial shade with moderate watering and a well-drained soil and it will perform beautifully. I find that placing this cultivar in an eastern exposure is ideal, but it does just as well with afternoon sun from a western facing location, making it very versatile. 'Slowmound' is also tolerant of a variety of soil types, ranging from sandy to clay, loamy and rocky and is known to be drought and salt tolerant once established.

Walkway Planting: Pinus Mugo 'Slowmound' paired with Liriope 'Variegata'

If you are looking for an attractive, slow growing and low maintenance evergreen for your garden, then this could be the plant for you. Excellent companion plants include Japanese Garden Juniper and Variegated Liriope, as seen here. A new one of a kind ground-hugging addition to the TRUdwarf® series will be coming onto to the market in the spring of 2023. Keep an eye out for Mugo Pine 'Pesto'!

I hope you enjoyed This Month in the Garden for the month of August. Be sure to stop by on the 1st. and 15th. of each month as I continue to share gardening tips, information and horticultural adventures! Until we meet again...Happy Gardening!

 For gardening information visit: My Author Page and Books

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2022. All rights reserved.