Monday, November 15, 2021

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day & Foliage Follow-Up: The Colors of Autumn & Garden Views!

Welcome!-November Long Island Garden (zone 7a)
Welcome to my northeastern, Long Island garden! Autumn is a wonderful time of year, as the daytime temperatures moderate into the 50's and 60's, and with a few rainfalls and morning frosts, the landscape is transitioning into an array of autumn colors. Follow along with me to see what both the garden and nature have to offer!
Long Island Garden Views
The first stop is along the driveway entry, as Coral Bark Maple 'Sangu Kaku' displays its fall colors against the blue of evergreen Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar and golden hue of 'Skylands' Spruce. I do look forward to this color combo every autumn!
Autumn Garden Views!
At another glance, the evergreen foliage of Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ (Weeping White Pine) along the walkway adds another dimension of color and texture. This is the time of year when the "bones" of the garden become even more prominent.
Coral Bark Maple 'Sangu Kaku'
The foliage of Coral Bark Maple is making quite a display this year with a combination of rain earlier and then a cold snap over a few days. As winter approaches, and the colder and snowier it gets, the newer branches of this tree will become a fiery coral-red. Stay tuned!
Autumn Garden
Also along the walkway is Weeping Eastern Redbud 'Lavender Twist' with its large heart-shaped foliage, which is now going into fall mode. This tree is now in its second year in the front garden.
Weeping Eastern Redbud 'Lavender Twist'
Here is the Redbud up close. The foliage turns from green to hues of yellow and pink, depending on the temperatures. Springtime will bring its lavender blooms along the branches before foliage emerges.
Geastrum triplex Jungh (Collared Earthstar)
In the front garden bed is this interesting find that popped up after all the rain. These fungi remind me of Hershey Kiss topped cookies! After some research, I found their identity. They are known as Geastrum triplex Jungh or Collard Earthstar, an inedible fungi that develops in woodland areas.
Sedum Autumn Mode
Back to the surrounding garden, the flower heads of Sedum 'Brilliant' are turning to a vibrant pinkish-purple hue against the foliage of Mugo Pine…
Fallen Leaves and Autumn's Splender!
And it just wouldn't be autumn without including some fallen leaves!
Hemerocallis (Daylily) 'Stella D Oro' Autumn
I use a pruning technique to get the the flowers of Hemerocallis 'Stella D Oro' to keep on coming right through November. This is the last of the blooms from just a few days ago before the storm that came through and the foliage of the entire plant turned yellow, but I just had to share!
Welcoming Committee
Hosta 'Golden Tiara', which is in front of the “welcoming committee” by the back walkway shows its changing foliage as the month of November progresses.
Platycodon Autumn View
Also along the walkway are the last of the blooms of Platycodon grandiflorus (Balloon Flower). The blue contrasts nicely against the changing foliage.
Black Mondo Grass
Along the back patio, garden gal continues to show her Black Mondo Grass, which stays evergreen all year...
Knock Out Roses Still Blooming in November!
and Double Knock Out Rose continues its blooms!
Color in the Poolside Garden
Here is the changing foliage of Spirea 'Limemound' against Weeping Japanese Maple. There is a more vibrant contrast this time of year.
Hydrangea 'Limelight Prime' Fall Color
New to the garden this summer is a new variety of hydrangea, 'Limelight Prime'. The blooms have changed from lime green to white to hues of deep pink as the temperatures cool, and I am enjoying the transition!
Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ (Weeping White Pine)
Now…along to the southeastern side of the property.
Seed Cone of Weeping White Pine
Weeping White Pine is a tree I enjoy all year round, but in autumn the seed cones become even more noticeable. This mature tree resides by the back pool garden and provides much enjoyment.
Back Island Bed Autumn
On the back garden island bed, the foliage of Crape Myrtle ‘Sioux’ is changing to a vibrant burgundy, with Blue Globe Montgomery Spruce in the foreground along the walkway. Flowering Purple Plum (backdrop) and Hinoki Cypress ‘Compacta’ can also be viewed towards the right.
Perennial Border in November
One of my favorite foliage combinations in autumn is that of Lamb’s Ear against the orangey-brown foliage of Astilbe. I just love the contrast!
More November Views-Dwarf Maiden Grass
Here is Dwarf Maiden Grass ‘Yaku Jima’. This variety stays compact and reaches just four to five feet tall with its delicate and wispy plumes this time of year
St. John's Wort Fall Interest
I added this St. John’s wort last year mostly for its fall interest. It’s bright yellow blooms which last from June into September are followed by bright red fruit, which look attractive even when they dry out in autumn.
St. John's Wort Dried Fruit
Here is a close up view of the fruit.
A Little Garden Whimsy
I always enjoy a little garden whimsy and have had this rotating copper sphere for years. As it ages, it gains some extra character and could probably use a little oil, but I like the sound it makes while spinning in the wind!
Weeping Japanese Maple Autumn View
As we approach the end of this months tour, the changing seasons are evident on this Weeping Japanese Maple in the front portion of the property. It certainly has been a colorful fall display.
Happy Autumn! 
As another gardening season starts to wind down, I dream of what is to come, and those of you who know me are aware that I live my life by this well known quote, “Anyone who thinks gardening starts in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with a dream.” ~ Josephine Neuse
Thanks for Visiting!
I hope you enjoyed your visit to my November garden and as always, I look forward to your comments and seeing what's growing in your neck of the woods! Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who has hosted Foliage Follow-Up for all these years, a meme I will still continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday FotosMacro Monday 2, Mosaic Monday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf, Nature Notes at Rambling WoodsImage-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday with NC Sue and Gardens Galore Link Up Party every other Monday with Everyday Living. I am also happy to join the Weekly Photo Link-Up at My Corner of the World on Wednesdays and Garden Affair at Jaipur Garden


I was invited to teach a garden coaching class at Farmingdale State College on November 23rd. and am looking forward to sharing my experiences as a designer/consultant with their horticultural students! I am also happy to see the return of monthly GardenComm zoom meetings, which originated due to the pandemic, with a new event called 'Better Together', which connects all the different regions for monthly meet-ups.

For article updates twice a month on the 1st and 15th, follow A Guide to Northeastern Gardening. There is a new subscription service at the top right side of this page.

Click on Me!
Lastly, if you enjoy gardening, want to learn more about garden design and maintenance, or are needing a gift for the gardener in your life, check out my books. To learn more and purchase, visit My Author Page. I have written four books to pass along my knowledge and experiences as a landscape designer and gardener, which I have been all my life! They are A Guide to Northeastern Gardening: Journeys of a Garden Designer Zones 3-9Landscape Design CombinationsDream, Garden, Grow!-Musings of a Lifetime Gardener and my latest Gardening by Month: A Monthly Guide to Planning the Northeastern & Mid-Atlantic Garden. I am hoping you, or a friend, will find them to be inspiring!

Until next time, be well, enjoy the holiday season and “As Always...Happy Gardening”! 😊

Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2021. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 1, 2021

This Month in the Garden: Care of Broad-leaved Evergreens: Fall & Winter Protection

Care of Broad-leaved Evergreens
Welcome to
This Month in the Garden! This month's post gets your garden prepared to endure those cold winter months, especially if you live in USDA hardiness zones 7 and under! Broad-leaved evergreens are a lovely addition to the landscape, but may need some special care if you live in a colder region where temperatures go below freezing! These beauties are known for their larger attractive foliage when compared to other evergreens, and more surface area means more exposure to drying winds and cold. This can cause winter desiccation, which can do damage to your plant, so it's best to be proactive.

Desiccation Explained: Have you ever noticed how some broad-leaved evergreens may look very scorched at the end of winter? Desiccation, or winter drying, is caused by extreme moisture loss from the foliage of broader leaved evergreens by the process of transpiration, mostly caused by a combination of winds and cold temperatures. Anti-desiccant spray is an organic based spray application that lasts throughout the winter, and helps to prevent this water loss from happening.

Which plants should be sprayed with an anti-desiccant?: Apply an anti-desiccant spray to your broad-leaved evergreens such as Holly, Osmanthus (False Holly), boxwood, euonymus, rhododendron, Cherry and Skip laurel, mountain laurel, Japanese Skimmia, leucothoe, aucuba, Southern Magnolia and Andromeda.

When to Apply: Apply when the daytime temperatures start falling below 50 degrees and nighttime temperatures start falling into the 40's  (around mid-late fall). When applying, be sure that the temperatures are above freezing and there is no threat of rain or frost within 24 hours. Here on Long Island (zone 7b), application should be done sometime in mid to late October to early November before Thanksgiving.

Dangers: Be sure to read all directions on the label since anti-desiccants can cause photo toxicity on some narrow needled evergreens such as Arborvitae, Hinoki Cypress and Blue Spruce, leading to death of the plant. Spraying in freezing temperatures will also lead to harm.

How often should I apply anti-desiccant?:  Sudden warm spells can trigger your evergreens to open their pores allowing for more water loss. If there is a winter thaw part way through the season it is recommended to re-spray your plants but only if the temperatures are to remain above freezing for at least 24 hours. (If using a one-time application, this step is not necessary.)

Where do I purchase anti-desiccant?:The most commonly used brands of anti-desiccant are Wilt-Stop and Transfilm that can be found in nurseries and garden centers. These two brands only require one application, which will last the entire winter. When in doubt, ask your landscape professional. Now, that you are aware of the dangers of winter desiccation, be sure to practice spraying your broad-leaved evergreens, especially if they are in their first season of planting. It will not only help protect them from those cold drying winds and prevent browning of foliage, but will also prolong the lifetime of your plants.

I hope you enjoyed This Month in the Garden for November and found these tips to be helpful. Be sure to stop by on the 1st. and 15th. of each month as I continue to share gardening tips, information and horticultural adventures! (Linking with: Floral FridaysMacro Monday 2Ruby Tuesday and Image-in-ing Weekly Photo Link-Up.