Pink Tulip |
Inspired by the quote, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” by Elizabeth Lawrence, Carol at May Dreams Gardens hosts Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. On the 15th of every month gardeners from all over the world walk out into their gardens to note what is currently blooming. It's May in the northeast and the gardens are alive with color. I gaze in awe at what appears before me.
Perennial Garden |
The perennial garden is alive with delicate red and pink tulips, Astilbe, Lamb's Ear, Heuchera, Hosta and Daylily. The variety of textures and color complement one another beautifully.
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar, Daylily & Crimson Azalea |
The Stella d Oro Daylily is displaying vibrant green foliage against the blue of the Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar and the Crimson Azalea is in full bloom. Soon there will be blooms of yellow that will last throughout the summer.
Wisteria |
The Wisteria is a sight to behold with its magnificent lavender panicle blooms. One can also smell the fragrance of sweet perfume. Under the canopy of the Wisteria are Hosta ' Patriot' and 'Minuteman' to add brightness to the garden. In the backdrop are Heuchera 'Palace Purple' and Endless Summer Hydrangea.
Heuchera 'Caramel' |
Heuchera 'Caramel', a new addition to the garden this year has an interesting foliage that cannot be beat. Heuchera 'Caramel' is said to be very hardy in zone 7 and will tolerate sun as well as shade. I am giving this beauty a test run!
Nepeta 'Little Titch' |
Also new to the garden this year is a miniature version of nepeta. It is Nepeta 'Little Titch'. It displays beautiful blue flowers all summer long on much more compact silvery green foliage and is also hardy in zone 7.
Sedum 'Aurea' |
The sedum 'Aurea' that I planted two seasons ago in between the crevices of the moss rock boulders of the waterfall are finally starting to flourish. They are planted along side Daylily and Blue Pacific Juniper to add color and a natural look.
Montgomery Blue Spruce & Heuchera 'Palace Purple' |
Behind the Montogomery Blue Spruce is Heuchera 'Palace Purple'. and Hinoki Cypress 'Aurea'. The color combination of the blue, burgundy and gold is striking at this time of year.
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' |
Ajuga 'Burgundy Glow' makes its spring appearance as it emerges along side a boulder in the garden and forms a lovely mat of purple spiked groundcover. This is also a debut for this plant in my garden. Planted last fall it has made it through the winter and is now thriving.
Spirea 'Gold Flame' |
Spirea 'Gold Flame' is an all time favorite in the garden for its firey glowing foliage in early spring. Named for its color the foliage resembles a golden flame. Soon this shrub will be covered in pink blooms that will last throughout the entire summer.
Bloom Day is a wonderful day of the month to be more aware of the changes going on in the garden. It is a great way to take inventory of what is growing in your garden and to view gardens of other gardening enthusiasts from around the world. Be sure to visit our hostess May Dreams Gardens and check out all the other wonderful blooms that are emerging.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." ~ Abram L. Urban
Happy GBBD. Happy Gardening!