Due to our exceptionally mild winter many of the blooms are way ahead of schedule this year. In early April I was already venturing out into the garden and adding some new members to my woodland section.

The loss of an old maple tree that was ailing opened up a world of opportunity. I decided to give the woodland section of the gardens a face lift. With more sunlight I was able to add some colorful goldmound spirea and nepeta along with the existing hosta, coral bells, ajuga and azalea (seen left).It has created the perfect combination and the new burst of spring color is such a joy while still being able to maintain a woodland type of setting where I can just venture out and get lost in my garden.
And then there is the iris garden all in bloom. There is a story behind this garden. My husband and I reside in the home that I grew up in as a child and my mom planted this iris garden about forty five years ago. My mom only had a few gardens and this one still remains as it was long ago and I think of her everytime I look at its lovely blooms.

In one of the more recent gardens (1996) the Azalea are in bloom with our sixteen year old Weeping White Pine in the backdrop.

The Weeping Pussy Willow is now developing its foliage and the family of baby birds that reside in it and safe and secure. In the foreground is my globe blue spruce and coral bells.
Here is a close up of the blooms on my Maynight Salvia. This is one of my favorite perennials. It displays a purple color like no other and lasts throughout most of the summer. I get so much enjoyment from it.
The roses are in bloom on this lovely May day. I added Knock Out Roses to the garden after many years of not having them and they have become one of the most enjoyable aspects of my garden. They make me smile every time I look at them.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed the tour of my May gardens. The gardens are always changing so there are sure to be more new additions as the season moves along. Be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens for more blooms from around the world.
Happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day and As Always...Happy Gardening!