July Garden |
Welcome to my Long Island garden for the month of July. After a week long heat wave of extensive humidity with temperatures in the upper 80's and lower 90's, a welcomed cold front brought in clear skies and comfortable temperatures. The garden is in full bloom with an abundance of color, so I would love for you to join me for a stroll. Come along...let's start the tour!
Welcome to My Garden! |
There are so many varieties of Astilbe that I enjoy in my garden. Each has a different bloom time, so I can enjoy the sequence of color. In the back shade garden, while Astilbe 'Peach Blossom' (far left) is just about done blooming, Astilbe 'Visions in Red' is taking center stage with its striking pinkish-purple blooms. Heuchera 'Caramel', Hosta and Weeping Norway Spruce join in with added texture and color.
Astilbe Visions in Red |
Here is a closer view of the foliage of Heuchera 'Caramel' (left) along with Hosta 'Gold Standard" (right) and Astilbe Visions (center).
Back Shade Garden |
This statue may look familiar. It has taken on a new home in the shade garden and seems to fit right in!
Back Patio Garden |
Follow me up to the back patio garden. Here Hosta 'Golden Tiara' thrives under the shade of a grafted Montgomery Globe Spruce. Following down the walkway are grasses, Balloon Flower (which will bloom in August),Weeping Norway Spruce and Blue Globe Montgomery Spruce. To the far left is golden Hinoki Cypress 'Verdoni' with its twisted foliage and Hydrangea are blooming in the background.
Hydrangea Nikko Blue |
After a few severe winters, this old fashioned mophead hydrangea, Hydrangea 'Nikko Blue' is doing well and producing a nice display of color. I also have several Endless Summer Hydrangea, but there is something about the vibrancy of the blue on the blooms of this one.
Stella D Oro Daylily |
'Stella D Oro' Daylily is in full bloom on the west side where there is plenty of sun. When I am sitting on the patio the blooms are up close and in clear view!
Lythrum Morden's Gleam |
In bloom for the month of July is this seedless, non-invasive hybrid of Lythrum, which brings vibrant shocking pink blooms on a four foot tall plant. Gold Lace Juniper is massed out in front of the blooms.
Daylilly Time! |
Here are more 'Stella D Oro' Daylily. I have them in various areas of the property and enjoy their continuous blooms.
Front Driveway Garden Bed |
In the front driveway border garden Nepeta 'Walker's Low' and Coreopsis 'Zagreb' make the perfect combination of bluish-purple and yellow blooms that last all summer long. Golden Oriental Spruce Skyland's is in the backdrop.
Perennial Combination |
Here are the blooms close up. It is one of my favorite perennial combinations with a mixture of warm and cool colors.
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' Multiple Colors on One Plant! |
July is the time for Echinacea. In the front south garden is Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'. Cheyenne Spirit produces pink, orange and yellow blooms all on the same plant!
Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' in Bloom! |
Here are some pink blooms up close. They are a real eye catcher with stunning shocking pink petals complemented by golden-orange swirling centers.
More Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' |
Here is an orange bloom. Even the different colored blooms vary. Some are solid in color while others are variegated. I just love this plant! We'll visit the yellow blooms up close in a bit!
Front Entrance Walkway |
Come along the front walkway and get a bit of a long view of the front. Variegated Liriope, Japanese Garden Juniper, Dwarf Mugo Pine and Heuchera 'Caramel' exist along the left (east side) while boxwood, Blue Star Juniper, sedge, sweet flag and Weeping Birch can be viewed on the right (west side). Walking down the walkway we are headed southward towards the driveway border garden.
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar |
Now we are at the southern side of the property. Here is the Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar by the driveway, which spans approximately ten to twelve feet in length.
Front Walkway Garden |
We are now standing to the south of the Blue Atlas Cedar facing north towards the other side of the front yard. You can view the upright cedar in the backdrop.
Welcome to the Pool Garden! |
Through the back side gate, we come around to the pool area. Our new guest, a giant peacock pool float has now taken residence! On the right of the steps to the patio is dwarf white pine and to the left is globe blue spruce.
Just Another View |
A weeping Japanese Red Maple has matured over the years in the cut-out bed by the pool. Japanese Garden Juniper, Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip' and Creeping Jenny 'Aurea' ground covers grow underneath its canopy.
Northern Shade Garden Foliage |
Towards the northern end of the property, a small path leads to the shade garden where Japanese Forest Grass (left) and Leucothoe (right) thrive. When it comes to shade, foliage takes on a major role.
Succulent Planter |
For full sun on the patio, this strawberry planter is filled with all my favorite succulents, which are starting to bloom for the later part of the summer...
Mandevilla! |
and here is this year's Mandevilla plant, a bright red variety with yellow throat that grows on a trellis right near the back door.
Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit |
and Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit' with its cheery bloom to brighten the day! I hope you enjoyed your stroll in my July garden. Thank you for visiting and I look forward to seeing what you have blooming.
Thanks for Visiting! |
Special thanks go out to our hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who makes it possible to see blooms on the 15th of every month with her meme Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Also, special thanks to Pam Penick at Digging who has hosted Foliage Follow-Up for all these years, a meme I will still continue to honor. I am also linking with some other wonderful hosts and hostesses at Floral Friday Fotos, Macro Monday 2, Nature Notes at Rambling Woods, Dishing It & Digging It on Sunday with Angie the Freckled Rose and Image-in-ing weekly photo share every Tuesday with NC Sue.
The Sayville Garden Club Tulip Award! |
In the news...the garden tour in June was a huge success. The ladies who run the club visited the other day and presented me with this Tulip Award...such fun! Other news...gardening season is still underway. If you have not already checked out my books, just click on the links below and give them a look. They might just inspire you! 😊 (Each is Available for purchase on Amazon.)
~As Always...Happy Gardening!~
Author: Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, © Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
Beautiful! Each and every plant is wonderful, but I must say the Mandevilla is the one plant that really catches my eye!
ReplyDeleteHappy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
Thank you Lea! Oh...how I love all your beautiful blooms and especially the Butterfly Bush with the lovely butterfly. Happy Bloom Day!
DeleteLovely Landscaping your garden must be heaven to walk into,I am awestruck with the colors of Echinacea.
ReplyDeletehave a great weekend !
Arun...all your blooms are so beautiful. I have always been a fan of Pink Ixora and yours is gorgeous, as well as your other flowers.Have a great week ahead!
DeleteYour garden looks fabulous throughout the year because of your excellent use of conifers but right now it's over-the-top wonderful and not a fallen leaf, or stray bit of mulch anywhere to be seen. Lythrum Morden's Gleam is gorgeous and new to me as is Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit.' Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeletePeter-Your collection of roses is breathtaking and so many varieties, each more beautiful than the next! I am enjoying your collection of lilies as well. Happy Bloom Day!
DeleteGorgeous summer flowers. The astilbe particularly caught my eye. I have tried to grow it here in zone 9a but not very successfully so far. Perhaps it just doesn't care for my climate and soil.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dorothy! You have such a beautiful collection of blooms in your garden! I especially love the Dahlias and gorgeous lilies. Astilbe does prefer a shady, moist location, so you may need a little more irrigation there. You may want to look into the Visions Collection. They seem to be much hardier and resilient over the others.
DeleteYour garden, as always, is gorgeous. Where do I start? I am between astilbes right now; none of them lined up with GBBD so I enjoyed yours, and also the echinacea. And I was excited to see your monarch; I thought I saw one yesterday but it flitted away before I could get close. Maybe I did! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThank you Alana, and it's always nice to see you here. I enjoyed your last post and it was a very interesting read. Have a great day!
DeleteLee, as always, your gardens are stunning! I think my favorites are the coneflowers and astillbe. Happy gardening!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind words. Your glamour shots are all gorgeous and I love your Magnolia, Hydrangea and Lantana blooms and all those wonderful pollinators! The praying mantis photograph is very cool! It took me a minute to see him and then he focused right in!
DeleteSuch plenty, Lee! I love the Astilbe but was surprised to see it in a July post as we consider it a winter flower here (and even then not especially easy to grow). I'm particularly envious of the coneflowers, which are sadly very short-lived here. Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteThank you Kris. I loved visiting your garden with all its wonderful blooms. Hopefully you'll get some rain soon. We finally got a downpour that started just minutes ago. The garden so desperately needs the rain, so I hope it continues through the night.
DeleteBeautiful, beautiful! I am so impressed by your Astilbe; I love these plants, but they just aren't happy in my garden. However, I do have a 'Cheyenne Spirit' also that I just love. I have lots of the common coneflowers here, but 'Cheyenne' is one of the few hybrids that has done well for me, and I do love all those different colored blooms. 'Othello' should meet my 'Desdemona':) As always, it's a delight to tour your garden, Lee!
ReplyDeleteI am glad the'Cheyenne Spirit' is doing well in your garden. It is one of my favorites too. I enjoyed your photos of your Echinacea and Daylilies and all those wonderful butterflies!
DeleteJust beautiful! Astilbe is one of the plants I miss growing down here in Texas. Your echinaceas are all wonderful too, especially 'Cheyenne Spirit'. Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteYou have so many beautiful blooms in your Texas garden Rebecca and that pink banana (Musa velutina) is amazing! I am also admiring your vast collection of daylilies, which are all so beautiful. Hope you get some of that needed rain soon.
ReplyDeleteThere is a secret! Well, actually deadheading is the secret. You have to remove the spent stalks once they are done. They get to a point where they just pull right out. I also do a rejuvenation on the foliage later in the summer.
DeleteLee, your garden is outstanding, and I enjoyed the virtual tour very much! I love that Nepeta and Coreopsis color combination, and also the Lythrum and Juniper.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you joining in the conversation in my recent garden post. I love sharing the dirt, and we have many plants in common in our gardens. Consider me your newest follower, and I look forward to more of your garden journal entries!
Rita C at Panoply
Your garden looks so well groomed Lee! I never noticed the stonework before. It's quite lovely. Congratulations on the tulip award. Very well deserved!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics of your great blooms. Each pic is just perfect along with your sweet statue. I have never seen the carmel, it's a beautiful color. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms.
ReplyDeleteParadise on earth!!! Congratulations on a garden that is truly spectacular in every direction … classic design with texture, color, layout - very impressive! I look forward to the day when I can publish such a post of my garden. Enjoy your week ahead!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! Everything is so green and lush.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful garden you have! and so much variety. I just I just cleaned out the dead stalks and leaves on my day lilies hoping for another set of blooms.