Welcome to my April Garden! |
Welcome to my April garden! After a cool start to the month and one of the most unusual winters we have ever had with no significant snowfall and temperature fluctuations from the 50's one week to single digits the next, spring has arrived in full force. Come along and stroll with me in my Long Island garden. Today's forecast calls for blooms!
Welcome! |
Newly added during the winter months, these two garden frogs are your welcoming committee! Behind them is the perennial border, which we will take a look at in more detail along our walk.
Perennial Border Allium Shoots, Lillies and Hyacinth |
All winter long, I gaze at the perennial bed and await its awaking in spring. It's almost magical how the new growth of bulbs emerges so quickly once the temperatures warm. The large attractive leaves in the backdrop are from emerging Allium 'Mont Blanc'. They appear to grow taller each time I look at them.
Purple Crocus |
Purple crocus are one of my favorite spring bulbs with their vibrant color. They are in full bloom now, and open and close daily as they react to the sun.
Hellebore 'Merlin' |
Here are Hellebore 'Merlin' and 'Shooting Star' in the shadier areas of the garden. They had a late bloom this year, but were worth the wait! Now they are in full force!
Hellebore 'Shooting Star' |
As we come around the bend, here is another crocus in an artistic light. Let's stop a moment and take a glance at this one.
Crocus Wide Open! |
These golden-yellow crocus are another favorite with their bright color that resembles the sun.
Yellow Crocus |
Hyacinths are also blooming in the perennial border along with crocus and daffodils, which we'll visit in a bit. Don't you just love the color on these?
Hyacinth |
The Weeping Pussy Willow is covered in fluffy catkins this time of year, which appear before the leaves. This tree has also been a bird haven for nesting Sparrows over the years.
Weeping Pussy Willow April |
I love how the male catkins seem to explode open while releasing their golden pollen. The male catkins are elongated, while the females are shorter and rounder. The female catkins point upward until they are pollinated.
Pussy Willow Catkins! |
The pollinators are enjoying all the new blooms. Here is a bee enjoying the pollen from a crocus.
Crocus and Pollinators! |
Forthysia blooms mean spring has arrived. The buds are opening!
Forthysia Blooming! |
Daffodils add another touch of yellow to the garden. This is a miniature variety.
Daffodils |
Hyacinths add such nice color to the garden. Like crocus, you can't have just one!
More Hyacinths! |
Allium, crocus and hyacinths...oh my! Daylilies, astilbe, coneflowers and hosta are also emerging in the perennial border!
Perennial Border Another View |
The Peonies are coming up too. I enjoy the pinkish-red hue of their newly developed foliage.
Peony Emerging! |
The Skyland's Oriental Spruce at the end of the driveway is getting more golden by the day as it starts to push out new growth. You can see the Nepeta 'Walkers Low' coming up beneath it.
Skyland's Oriental Spruce |
'Limemound' Spirea in the back pool garden is starting to develop its initial fiery-orange foliage, as Allium 'Globemaster' and Daylily 'Stella D Oro' emerge in the foreground. Also in this view are Weeping Norway Spruce and Blue Globe Montgomery Spruce.
Foliage of 'Limemound' Spirea and Daylily |
Here is Magnolia 'Royal Star. I cannot get enough of these magnificent blooms!
Magnolia 'Royal Star' |
As another winter season has passed and with the arrival of spring, winter bear has traded in his greenery for annuals.
Bear with Spring Annuals |
With great anticipation, I look forward to all the excitement the garden has to offer and to seasonal changes as the garden evolves from month to month. I hope you enjoyed your visit and wish you a wonderful gardening season!
April Garden...Thanks for Visiting! |
For gardening and design inspiration along with personal musings...
~As Always...Happy Gardening!~
Author: Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2019. All rights reserved.