Welcome to A Guide to Northeastern Gardening |
To my regular readers, first of all, thank you for following A Guide to Northeastern Gardening. I will continue to post, but you may no longer receive new post updates due to the notification I received from Blogger, that google will no longer be supporting the Follow By E-Mail widget (Feedburner) as of sometime in July. I have set up a new e-mail subscription service which is located at the top of my page (upper right hand side) so that you can continue to follow posts through an app called follow. it. I am not sure exactly what date Goggle will be discontinuing this service, and do apologize for any inconvenience. This new service has excellent reviews, takes privacy seriously, and offers options for customizing your subscription deliveries for your convenience.
How the new app Works:
At the top right side of A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, you will see a new Follow widget. When clicked on, a page will come up that will appear like the picture below. It will come up as follow Landscape Design By Lee: A Guide to Northeastern Gardening, which is me (www.landscapedesignbylee.blogspot.com)! If you have already been a regular follower, you should receive a confirmation e-mail from follow.it to confirm your subscription. Click on confirm to continue receiving posts as usual.
If by chance you do not receive an invite, simply enter your email, click “subscribe,” and then look for the confirmation email in your inbox. Check your spam folder if you don’t get it after a few minutes. Confirm that you’d like to subscribe by clicking the confirmation link in that email.
Look for posts on the 1st and 15th of each month and if for some reason you do not receive notifications, please check your spam folder and un-spam follow.it in your contacts so you
can continue to receive recent posts. If you don’t already
subscribe to A Guide to Northeastern Gardening and would like to do so, just follow the steps above. It's easy and free! For my regulars, the posts will come to you as usual, just under a new service.
Thank you for Visiting A Guide to Northeastern Gardening |
Thank you for
subscribing! I love seeing you here and it gives me such joy that you are enjoying reading my blog. I will continue to provide interesting and informative posts to the best of my ability, hope to see you around, and will be around to visit you as well!As Always...Happy Gardening! 😊
Author: Lee @A Guide to Northeastern Gardening,© Copyright 2010-2021. All rights reserved.
Thanks for the tips on getting around the fact that Blogger stops supporting following by email. I know nothing about HTML/Java etc but I was able to follow along and figure it out.